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Free Consultation

Discover Your True Passion and Build a Successful & Sustainable Business 🌱 Around It with Ease in Under 6 Months Using Our Proven Systems!

Watch My Free

"10 Proven Steps For A Successfull Passion Based Business" Video
+ See How This Has Worked For Other People Too

green business school

I recorded a video (it's free) to show you the exact steps you need to build a successful business that has a positive impact both on your life and on the world. 

We offer an online course, actianable step-by-step guides and regular online meetings for anyone who wants to exit the "rat race", live for their passion, run a profitable yet sustainable business, and get personal help and guide on the journey of creating a new life. 

green business school

STEP #1:
Watch The FREE "10 Proven Steps To A Successful Passion Based Business" Video,
Watch It Instantly
+ Choose From 3 Free Gifts!

On the next page you:

1. Can Get The Free Video With Actionable Steps (No Time Wasting)

2. Can Choose From 3 Free Gift Options

3. Can Sign Up For The Course To Get Step-By-Step Guides

4. Can Book A 1-On-1 Call To Get Help (Yes, With Me Personally)

"I do what I love to do..."

Emilia V.

Interior Designer

"I pursue the activity I love with passion... I have always been interested in environmentalism! Green-Business School has helped me turn my passion into a success and live at a high standard. This experience was life-transforming, and I will be forever grateful to them!"

"A simple & fun way to do business!"

Robert T.

Financial Adviser

"I have just launched my second business with the help of Aniko and Krisztina. Holy guacamole! I wish I had met these dynamic ladies before I started my first business... It's a heck of a great, efficient and fun way to run a business! Kudos, ladies!"

"I'm living for my hobby..."

Monica M.

Natural Skin-Care Store Owner

"I never thought I could bring in enough revenew just by living for my hobby. Green-Business School has showed me a simple and effective way to do this. It transfermed my whole life!"

The Green-Business School Was Born Because Of Broken Systems...

  • Because of a society that prioritize profit over the environment, individual well-being; food that's actually synthetic crap; having no real community or deep human connections resulting in all kinds of mental issues.

    We won't even get started about politics or what you see on the news... it's a crazy time to be alive.

    We are TRANSFORMING the way we do business for the sake of our physical, mental, and environmental health, as well as the health of our communities.

    Our program is designed to help you ACHIVE a sustainable and joyful life through pursuing your passion and creating a profitable business that aligns with your values.

    We understand the importance of having an automated economic engine that allows you to spend quality time with your loved ones while also FULFILLING your dreams.

    business course
  • We are dedicated to providing you with EASY to understand, ENTERTAINING lessons, step-by-step guides, actionable steps, the most ENJOYABLE way possible. 

    This is your opportunity to: 

  • Discover your true passion and create a profitable business around it

  • Turn your hobby into a profitable business, (even if you have no business idea at all)

  • Transform your current business into your dream business

  • Our program is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or financial situation.

    We are helping students LAUNCH their profitable and sustainable businesses in as little as six months, and we have seen dedicated individuals from the 9-5 life discover their true passions and launch their successful business in under 4 months!

    green business school course

  • At the Green-Business School, we believe that pursuing one's passion not only leads to personal happiness but also creates a positive IMPACT on the world.

    We value sustainability, joy, personal growth, vibrant community, and making a meaningful difference in the world. 

    Starting or growing a passion based profitable green business doesn't have to be stressful!

    That's why we've designed our program to make the process as EASY and ENJOYABLE as possible. Humor is our best friend, so get ready to have some serious fun!

    We'll guide you through each step with the enthusiasm of a kid in a candy store (minus the sugar rush, of course) and the expertise of seasoned business pros.

    So why not JOIN us and START creating a business that makes both you and the generations to come happy? 

    STEP #1:
    Watch The FREE "10 Proven Steps To A Successful Passion Based Business" Video, Watch It Instantly
    + Choose From 3 Free Gifts!

    On the next page you:

    1. Can Get The Free Video With Actionable Steps (No Time Wasting)

    2. Can Choose From 3 Free Gift Options

    3. Can Sign Up For The Course To Get Step-By-Step Guides

    4. Can Book A 1-On-1 Call To Get Help (Yes, With Me Personally)

    Join us on this journey to create your Passion Based Profitable Business, so you can LIVE the life you always wanted!

    We are working with people from all walks of life - from those who TURNED their life-transformational experience or knowledge into profitable online businesses, to those who CREATED their own product and running their online shops from their backyard, and even those who previously owned a business that they are now TRANSFORMING into a green business with sustainable operation practices.

    Some of our students STARTED their journey with no business idea, no money, and a credit score that could barely get them a library card. But with our help, they've transformed their lives and their businesses.

    And if they can do it, so can YOU! (cue the dramatic music)

    But seriously, we'll show you exactly how in the free video on Step 2.

    Let's take Erik, for example.
    He has launched his eco-business in just FOUR MONTHS, including finding out his passion, validating his business idea, setting up his website, and start generating revenue. 

    Now he's living his dream of teaching others about permaculture, and even quit his accounting job after only five months of operation.

    Another great example is Angelina, who discovered that managing a law office wasn't her passion after all. So she did what any sane person would do and opened an online resale shop for sustainable fashion in less than TWO MONTHS after starting working with us.

    Now she's giving old clothing a new lease on life, and looking fabulous while doing it.

    business course

    Are you ready for this?

    The Green-Business School is not for the faint of heart - it's intensive, challenging, and requires work. But don't worry, we'll make sure you have fun along the way! - if you are open to do business from your heart. 💚

    We understand that starting a business takes a lot of focus, courage, and perseverance, and we're here to help you every step of the way.

    Our goal is to teach you how to think, behave, and make smart decisions as an entrepreneur, so you can create a profitable and sustainable business that benefits both the earth and humanity.

    The Green-Business School is for those who want to make a positive impact on the world while also generating great revenue and profit.

    Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, we're here to help you succeed and make your dreams a reality.

    So, if you're ready to take your passion to the next level and create a business from your heart, then join us at the Green-Business School - we can't wait to see what you'll achieve!

    business school

    Here’s What You’ll Get In the Green-Business School

    Whether you are looking to turn a part-time business into a full-time business, want to take an existing business to new heights, or are just starting out in your career, Green-Business School can help.

    This self-paced online program provides the essential elements for modern business success.


    Peace of mind that you’re getting the right things done, in the right order.


    Develop your communication, sales and service skills to stay profitable and focused in the sustainable economy.


    A distraction-free learning environment to maximize growth and results.

    The Green-Business School Program

    Our self-paced online learning program is designed for entrepreneurs who want to build a profitable business that benefits both the earth and humanity. Our mission is to help you making a difference in the world while creating a successful venture.

    We know that starting and scaling a business can be overwhelming without a clear roadmap and guidance. That's why we offer the tools, resources, and support you need to accelerate growth and avoid costly trial and error.

    Let us guide you on your journey to success!

    Is the Green-Business School right for you?

    Our program is ideal for ambitious and determined entrepreneurs who want to turn their passion into a lucrative business.

    Whether you're just starting out or need help growing your existing business, we can help you avoid unnecessary mistakes and always know what to do next.

    Regardless of your industry, succeeding as an entrepreneur in today's economy means building trust, making meaningful connections, and serving your audience either in person or online.

    If you want to live a joyful and sustainable life while making a positive impact on the world, then the Green-Business School is the perfect fit for you.

    Learn at your own pace at Green-Business School

    Each week you can review new materials or slow down and work on your own schedule.

    If you are working full-time or part-time, getting married, expecting a child or dealing with major life events during the program, don't worry.

    You will have lifetime access and can review and revise the training materials at any time.


    Here's What You'll Learn In This Program

    Gain mastery over every step of the process - from honing your vision to planning, managing cash flow and turning your dream into reality - with our step-by-step strategies.

    We'll show you the easiest, fastest and most entertaining way to achieve success!


    The Core Curriculum

    Seven core learning modules to help you develop the skills you need to build your sustainable business.

    MODULE 1&2

    Ignite Your True Passion and Unleash Entrepreneurial Success!

    Get ready to REVOLUTIONIZE the world of business as we embark on a transformative journey together.

    A GREEN BUSINESS goes beyond profits; it's about creating POSITIVE CHANGE and finding boundless JOY. And it all starts with you. 💚

    Prepare yourself for a transformative journey that will shape not only your business but also ignite a powerful fire within your soul! These initial modules lay the groundwork for the extraordinary transformation awaiting you.

    In this module, you’ll learn how to:

  • UNLOCK your full potential by developing the MINDSET of a successful entrepreneur.

  • UNLEASH your true capabilities by overcoming LIMITING BELIEFS through POWERFUL exercises.

  • Establish the SOLID FOUNDATION for your thriving business by discovering and deeply connecting with your TRUE PASSION using our Passion Mind Mapping practice.

  • You'll have explored the vast landscapes of your passions and forged an unbreakable connection with what truly sets your soul on fire. With our expert guidance, you'll have gained crystal-clear clarity on what brings profound meaning to your life and infuses purpose and fulfillment into every step of your entrepreneurial journey.

    MODULE 3

    Discover Your Perfect Green-Business Idea

    In this module, we dive into the exciting process of finding your perfect business idea that aligns with your passions and values.

    We'll explore diverse business ideas, build a sustainable foundation, and create compelling product or service descriptions. Get ready to unleash your creative genius and shape a business that leaves a positive impact on the world.

    In this module, you’ll learn how to:

  • Come up with the PERFECT passion-based business IDEA with the help of our interactive Funsheet.

  • ATTRACT conscious customers and make a POSITIVE IMPACT on the world by incorporating SUSTAINABILITY into your business model.

  • Define and ATTRACT your DREAM CUSTOMERS using the targeted questions and insights from our guiding Funsheet.

  • CAPTIVATE your audience with compelling product/service descriptions.

  • You’ll have discovered unique opportunities that align with your passions and values. You’ll have defined your ideal customer avatar, crafted compelling descriptions, connected with your dream customers authentically, and positioned yourself as the top choice in your market. You’ll have started turning your passion into a thriving online business!

    MODULE 4

    Validate Your Business Idea

    Discover how to validate your business idea with confidence and precision. In this module, we'll guide you through the process of connecting with your potential customers, mastering market research, or harnessing pre-selling to refine your offerings for success.

    In this module, you’ll learn how to:

  • Tailor your business idea to MEET your ideal customer's NEEDS and preferences.

  • CONNECT with your dream customers, understand them deeply to uncover their PAIN POINTS, and refine your offerings accordingly.

  • POSITION your business for SUCCESS by analyzing TRENDS, identifying market players, and uncover untapped opportunities.

  • Gauge customer interest and gather valuable FEEDBACK.

  • You'll have gained the confidence to move forward with your business idea by effectively validating it. You'll have empowered to make informed decisions, ensuring the viability and success of your sustainable business.

    MODULE 5

    Map Your Profitable, World-Changing Business Plan

    Every remarkable business is built on a strong foundation. In this module, you will learn the essential steps to create a solid foundation for your business that will pave the way for your success. Learn how to calculate profits and leverage resources for growth. It's time to roll up your sleeves and bring your vision to life!

    In this module, you’ll learn how to:

  • Gain CLARITY and DIRECTION from your compelling VISION, MISSION, and business GOALS.

  • Design a WINNING business model for long-term success.

  • MAXIMIZE revenue by creating a profitable pricing strategy and accurate financial projections.

  • SAVE time and reduce costs by OPTIMIZING resources, systems, and outsourcing.

  • STRUCTURE your business effectively for GROWTH.

  • STREAMLINE operations, increase PRODUCTIVITY and customer satisfaction with EFFICIENT processes.

  • You’ll have crafted your visionary business plan, optimized for profitability and impact. You’ll have created a clear action plan to achieve your business’ vision — so that when your life or goals change, so can your business.

    MODULE 6

    Launch With Confidence and Make a Powerful Entrance

    Get ready to launch your business with confidence! This module is all about turning your dreams into a reality and making a powerful entrance. Follow our step-by-step launch guide and execute a successful marketing campaign so you can LAUNCH your business with a powerful impact.

    In this module, you’ll learn how to:

  • Make a STRONG first impression with an ENGAGING website and captivating landing page.

  • ATTRACT your ideal customers and build a loyal following with an IRRESISTIBLE lead magnet.

  • Communicate your brand's message effectively with COMPELLING content using ChatGPT.

  • BOOST your brand visibility and connect with your target audience by establishing a STRONG online presence.

  • MAXIMIZE your business's GROWTH potential by developing WINNING marketing plans and sales strategies.

  • Ensure a SMOOTH and SUCCESSFUL LAUNCH with our Launch Checklist and process testing guide.

  • You’ll have unleashed your business upon the world. It's like watching your baby take their first steps, except this baby has the potential to provide you with the lifestyle you've always craved and create the freedom, abundance, and fulfillment you deserve. 🤗

    MODULE 7

    Scale and Grow Your Business

    It's time to take your passion-based online business to new heights. This Module will equip you with the strategies and techniques to scale and grow your business, ensuring long-term success and profitability.

    In this module, you’ll learn how to:

  • Make data-driven decisions by MEASURING the success of your business and tracking key metrics.

  • IMPROVE your operations by streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency.

  • Achieve SUSTAINABLE GROWTH and increased visibility by implementing the right marketing and promotion strategies.

  • You'll have positioned yourself for exponential growth and increased profitability. Get ready to witness your business thrive and make a lasting impact in the world. 🌎

    We Want To See You Thrive!

    You’ll also get a comprehensive library of


    to develop additional skills for growing a business that matters.

    Sales Mastery Accelerator

    Supercharge Your Business!

    business school sales

    Unleash powerful strategies to understand customer needs, craft compelling messages, and implement automation. Harness the power of genuine connection and heartfelt selling to build long-lasting customer relationships. Propel your business to new heights with targeted strategies.

    Get ready to accelerate your sales and unleash your business's true potential!


    Included in your
    Green-Business School tuition

    Marketing Mastery

    The Most Powerful Strategy to Online Success

    green business school marketing

    This training will equip you with the tools to set up a powerful marketing strategy, build brand awareness, establish authority, engage with your audience in a meaningful way, and convert potential customers into loyal advocates.

    Say goodbye to aimless marketing efforts and hello to a targeted, effective strategy that drives your business to success.


    Included in your
    Green-Business School tuition

    Content on Command

    Master AI-Assisted Content Creation with ChatGPT

    business school chatgpt

    We will teach you how to use ChatGPT (a FREE natural language processing tool) to create fresh, engaging, and authentic content for your business in your own unique writing style.

    From Blog posts to email serieses, book chapters, and website content, and even social media posts will be generated in minutes - literally!


    Included in your
    Green-Business School tuition

    Rise Above Challenges

    Proven Strategies for Business Success

    busness school strategy

    Don't let doubts, fears, and worries hold you back from achieving success in your green business ventures. Our training will equip you with practical strategies to overcome these challenges and rise above them. With a touch of humor and a lot of heart, you'll learn to develop resilience and conquer your fears.

    Get ready to face challenges head-on and unlock the true potential of your business!


    Included in your
    Green-Business School tuition

    TikTok Takeover

    For Explosive Business Growth!

    green business school tiktok

    Conquer TikTok! Find out all about the world's fastest growing social platform!

    This training is a comprehensive tutorial on TikTok that will give you an in-depth understanding of the platform and the best strategies for growth.

    You'll understand why it's most important to deliver value through these short videos.


    Included in your
    Green-Business School tuition

    Power Up Your Productivity: Maximize Your Eco-Business Potential

    Say goodbye to the chaos of unfinished projects and hello to productivity with this training. Unlock the secrets to accomplishing more than you ever thought possible and gain instant access upon registration. This training provides practical strategies for managing time effectively, setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and overcoming procrastination!


    Included in Green-Business School tuition

    You’re Protected With Our 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

    This program has the power to profoundly change your life forever. If by the end of the first week week you don’t feel it’s the right fit, submit your completed coursework and we’ll issue you a full refund.

    Please note that refund eligibility has a firm deadline and also applies to payment plans, which means you will be responsible for all payments after the refund deadline has passed.

    STEP #1:
    Watch The FREE "10 Proven Steps To A Successful Passion Based Business" Video,
    Watch It Instantly
    + Choose From 3 Free Gifts!

    On the next page you:

    1. Can Get The Free Video With Actionable Steps (No Time Wasting)

    2. Can Choose From 3 Free Gift Options

    3. Can Sign Up For The Course To Get Step-By-Step Guides

    4. Can Book A 1-On-1 Call To Get Help (Yes, With Me Personally)

    Consumer Testimonials. As with any business-related program, your results using Green-Business School may vary from these consumer testimonials. Your results will be based on many variables, such as your level of effort, business acumen, personal qualities, knowledge, skills, and a host of other factors. Since these factors differ for each individual, we cannot guarantee your success, results, or income level, nor are we responsible for your success or failure. Green-Business School is not a “get rich quick scheme.” It takes time, effort, and dedication. We believe that we provide you a great toolbox to achieve your desired results.

    © GREEN-BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL 2023, all rights reserved.