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Are you ready to create a profitable

The Eco-Business School program

The Eco-Business School is a 6-week online learning program for entrepreneurs who want to build a profitable business that benefits the earth and humanity. Their mission is to protect the environment.

Starting and scaling a business requires clarity, vision and the ability to consistently execute the right strategies. Without a roadmap or guidance, the process can be overwhelming.

Eco-Business School can accelerate growth and save years of costly trial and error. We'd love the opportunity to guide you!

Is the Eco-Business School right for you?

The Eco-Business School is for determined and ambitious entrepreneurs who are interested in the environment and want to earn money from it. Our school will help you avoid making unnecessary mistakes, always know what to do next, or if you simply doubt your ability to start and grow a business.

Regardless of industry, thriving as an entrepreneur in today's economy means knowing how to build trust, make meaningful connections and sell to people online. If you know yourself, then eco-business school is for you.


Businesses we serve:

  • Eco-Product-Based Businesses

  • Graduates of the Eco-Business School sell eco soaps, eco cosmetics, eco clothes, eco cleaning products, apps and everything sustainable. If you sell physical or digital products, the Eco-Business School can help.

  • Service-Based Eco-Businesses

  • Whether you provide advice on sustainable living or any other service, the Eco-Business School can help you take your service-based business to the next level.

  • Brick- & Land-Based Eco-Enterprises

  • Run your online eco business to reach a wider audience, create new revenue streams and stay relevant in a changing economy.

    Are you ready for this?

    The Eco-Business School is very intensive and challenging. It is also very rewarding and it is a lot of fun! - if you are open to do business from your heart. 💚

    Running a business requires enormous focus, courage and perseverance. Above all, it requires consistent action and a willingness to play the long game.

    Our primary goal is to teach you how to think, behave and make smart decisions as an entrepreneur - to equip you with skills that will serve you for a lifetime.

    The Eco-Business School is for doers and change-makers who want to use their talents to run a modern sustainable business that generates profits and benefits the earth and humanity.

    online business school
  • All online:

    no need to travel

    All online: no need to travel

  • Online-based program

  • The entire program is online-based, so you can participate from home or work.

  • Membership portal

  • All learning materials, including Fun Sheets, online consultations and additional resources are available on the online membership portal.

    I have always been interested in the environment! Eco-Business School has helped me to do what I love and live my life to a high standard. It was a life transforming experience which for I'll always be grateful to them!

    Emilia Vasquez

    Restaurant Owner

    Learn at your own pace at Eco-Business School

    Each week you can review materials as they come up or slow down and work on your own schedule.

    If you are working full-time or part-time, getting married, expecting a child or dealing with major life events during the 6-week program, don't worry. You can review and revise the training materials at any time.

    Remember, building an eco-business that matters is not a 6-week linear event.

    Here’s What You’ll Get In Eco-Business School

    Whether you are looking to turn a part-time business into a full-time business, want to take an existing business to new heights, or are just starting out in your career, Eco-Business School can help. This 6-week online program provides the essential elements for modern business success.


    Peace of mind that you’re getting
    the right things done, in the right order.


    Develop your communication,
    sales and service skills to stay profitable and focused in the eco-economy.


    A distraction-free
    learning environment to maximize growth and results.


    The core curriculum

    Six core learning modules to help you develop the skills you need to build a sustainable business.

    MODULE 1

    Come Up With Your Exciting Eco-Business Idea

    Let’s do business differently! An Eco-Business is a business that does good in the world and makes you happy. We start with you.

    In this module, you’ll learn how to:

  • Develop the MINDSET you need for success in business and in your life.

  • Find out your passion

    Either you are a multi-passionate person, or you don’t even know what your passion is, we will help you to find out the one that you can build a profitable business on.

  • Build your business based on your passion

    In this lesson, you will figure out what kind of business would suit you and bring you joy the most.

  • Develop a healthy work/life balance so you can stay motivated and energized in all area of your life.

  • You are on a mission!

    Have a clear vision to know exactly what you want to do in the future - success is just one step away!

  • Develop the behaviors that guarantees success

    Learn success ensuring behaviors from successful business owner's such as productivity, focus, self-love, delegation, being organized, prioritizing, planning and achieving your goals

  • Create your business plan (annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly)

  • MODULE 2

    Map Your Profit-Making, World-Changing PlanMap your profitable, world-changing plan (Workshop week)

    Every remarkable business is built on a strong foundation.

    In this module, you’ll learn how to:

  • Establish a strong foundation of your successful business

  • Decide on the 7 key questions before launching your business

  • Nail down your business idea and come up with a Stellar Business Name

  • Attract your dream customer and define your Ideal Customer Avatar (ICA)

  • Choose the most suitable business type and platform for your industry & budget

  • Define your product/service and price it! Learn the 5 factors that determine how much you should charge

  • Be seen with simple and effective content creation strategy

  • Create 30-day pre-launch runway to be seen with organic or paid advertisement

  • Stand out with innovative, eco-friendly and sustainable business solutions

  • You’ll have a clear action plan to achieve any business vision — so that when your life or goals change, so can your business.

    MODULE 3

    Marketing Workshop Week

    All lessons are workshops where you will actually get things done! Roll up your sleeves and let’s do this!

    In this module, you’ll learn how to:

  • Stand out from the crowd with services & tools that you need and skip the ones you don't

  • Attract your dream customers with authentic branding & style

  • Do online marketing in a simple and FUN way.

    Learn and choose the marketing tools you need for enjoyable online marketing (Website, Social Media, SEO (Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing, Email marketing, Google AdWords)

  • Build a list of raving fans

    Choose a lead generation strategy that is most aligned with you Design A Winning Content Strategy

  • MODULE 4

    Marketing Workshop Week to 
    Get visible with efficient, quick and FUN marketing solutions

    All lessons are workshops where you will actually get things done! Roll up your sleeves and let’s do this!

    In this module, you’ll learn how to:

  • Create your irresistible offer

    Know how to price, position, and deliver to create true raving fans that can’t wait to buy what you have to offer.

  • Find all the Keywords that increases traffic

  • Know when and how to email your audience so you can market directly to those you’re meant to serve.

    Discover the stages your visitors are at to turn turn them into raving fans

  • Authentic Content Creation Strategy

    Generate at least 3 months worth of high-quality, high-converting content ideas in one sitting

  • Execute a Simple and Effective Social Media Marketing Strategy Learn to write scroll-stopping headlines and posts that increase engagement and sales. Generate at least 3 months worth of sales-boosting SM post ideas with hashtags in one sitting

  • Create your personal story related to your business to introduce yourself

    Emphasize your WHY to attract an audience who are aligned with your vision.

  • Execute a simple and effective content strategy that grows your business without burning you out.

    MODULE 5

    Sales That Feels Sooo Good

    In this module, you’ll learn how to:

  • Use The Psychology of Sales

  • Select the sales technique(s) that feels amazing

  • Create an effective Sales Funnel that automatically sells even when you are sleeping

  • Increase Sales Conversion - Why the highest turnover does not necessarily bring the highest profit Get a 7-step checklist for high-converting offers

  • Learn the principles behind a website that generates the most traffic

  • Avoid popular sales features that hinder sales - what not to use.

  • Establish outstanding customer service that increases satisfaction - the right & wrong way to communicate with your customers.

  • Know how to price, position, and deliver to create true raving fans that can’t wait to buy what you have to offer.

    You’ll also get a comprehensive library

    of bonus training programs to develop additional skills

    for growing a business that matters.

    Start the right eco-business

    Having a hard time figuring out which eco business to start? Maybe you have too many ideas to choose from, or you're not sure your idea will work. If you're drowning in confusion, this programme will help you get clear and get started so you can finally start the right business.

    Value $497 Included with your Eco-Business School tuition

    business course

    Set Up Your Metrics & Analytics

    How can you know what’s working if you’re not tracking it? This training covers everything you need to know (and nothing you don’t) on how to set up basic Google Analytics, our web metrics tool of choice. Plus, learn which metrics matter in your business and how to use them. 

    Value $497 Included with your Eco-Business School tuition

    green business school

    Smart Marketing
    For Product-Based Businesses

    While our marketing strategies apply to all businesses, selling physical goods has some unique challenges. Throughout Eco-Business School, you’ll get specific and fun sheets for product-based business owners.

    Value $397  Included with your Eco-Business School tuition

    online business school

    The Follow-Through Formula

    Stop the madness of a dozen half-finished projects. With the help of The Follow-Through Formula you’ll learn the exact strategies to get more done than you ever thought possible. Get instant access to this productivity course as soon as you register.

    (Value $.......) Included in Eco-Business School tuition.

    You’re Protected With Our 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

    This program has the power to profoundly change your life forever. If by the end of the first week week you don’t feel it’s the right fit, submit your completed coursework and we’ll issue you a full refund. Please note that refund eligibility has a firm deadline and also applies to payment plans, which means you will be responsible for all payments after the refund deadline has passed. 

    Consumer Testimonials. As with any business-related program, your results using Eco-Business School may vary from these consumer testimonials. Your results will be based on many variables, such as your level of effort, business acumen, personal qualities, knowledge, skills, and a host of other factors. Since these factors differ for each individual, we cannot guarantee your success, results, or income level, nor are we responsible for your success or failure. Eco-Business School is not a “get rich quick scheme.” It takes lots of time, effort, and dedication. We believe that we provide you a great toolbox to achieve your desired results.

    Follow THE TRIBE

    Whatever led you here,
    you’re here for a reason.


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