Eco-friendly living

What is a 'pollution-free' household?

Aug 25, 2022

The concept of a so-called 'pollution-free' household and lifestyle is very fashionable these days. In fact, this is the way humanity has lived for thousands of years, and it is only in the last few decades that so-called 'chemicals' have become very fashionable. In other words, we have been conditioned by manufacturers not to be satisfied with the natural smell of our bodies, clothes or homes, or the power of the natural cleaning products used by our grandparents.

So what do we usually call 'harmful substances'?

Any ingredient found in the consumer products we use that is harmful to our health. Be it medicines, food additives, food flavorings, detergents, cleaning products, disinfectants, almost any cosmetic product. For example, perfume, deodorant or make-up, but also children's toys, kitchen utensils, and clothing and accessories containing high levels of synthetic substances, mostly mass-produced plastic, and highly dyes and chemicals, mostly from the Far East.

All of these, therefore, almost certainly contain harmful substances that generally damage the health of our bodies, increase the risk of certain diseases, especially cancer, and can affect our hormone function in the wrong way, making us infertile. The list is long, but far from complete.

And the list of the specific substances contained in these products is almost endless. Let us just mention a few toxic chemicals that the average person encounters on a daily basis. These include sodium lauryl sulphate or propylene glycol, a common ingredient in shower gels, diethanolamine in shampoos and sodium fluoride in toothpastes.

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Why are they harmful?

So these seemingly harmless poisons can have a number of harmful effects on our bodies. Almost all so-called 'civilization-diseases' are more likely to develop from their use. In the case of cosmetics, the most obvious adverse effects are eye and skin irritation. For example, eczema, acne, or dry, cracked skin.

But the problem can be much bigger than that, as these cosmetics can reach almost anywhere through our skin. They also affect the functioning of our brain and endocrine system. So it's not just our skin that is affected by these toxic chemicals. They can cause psychiatric and hormonal problems, most notably infertility, but the intake of any harmful substance also greatly increases the incidence of cancer.

Why is it worth paying attention to these?

But the good news is that some of these harmful effects can be reversed, if not completely - for example, we can't easily get rid of urban smog or the perfume and cigarette smell of the people sitting next to us on public transport - then some of them can be reversed. So if you know that you are suffering from any of the above problems, you should immediately throw out all these household and cosmetic products and replace them with natural ingredients! And the side effects of this will be nothing but happiness, well-being and a balanced everyday life!